Playgrounds for the over 65's!
I saw the most curious and ingenious thing today when I was passing through my barrio on the bus. There is a little park in Moratalaz where senior citizens can get some exercise doing what they like best, sitting on a bench and chinwagging! It was like a mini gym outside in the street where old people were congregated, having their sunday stroll and a chat with their fellow neighbours. You can sit on a park bench with a friend and work those leg muscles by pedalling on the pedals provided. Or you can climb up and down some little steps and work up an appetite for our Sunday lunch. There were even some funny wheels and ropes for the oldies to work on their arm strength. I was stunned, is this a common thing in Madrid? or in the world? Why have I never seen this before? If it isn't common it is a bloody good idea and the British government should get some installed back in Old Blighty!