Shopoholics Anonymous

Help! I can't stop! I have been hitting the shops and my bank card a little too much over the weekend. Of course shopping is my favourite past time, I only wish I had a bigger bank balance to support my addiction. The most surprising purchase of the week is my new bikini (which looks nothing like this clipart image I hasten to add). I have finally said what the hell to myself and decided that I am going to don a bikini on my next trip to the beach. That is no big deal I hear you cry, but I have not worn a bikini since I was about four years old when flab and beach whale were not in my vocabulary. However, I have found a bikini I am happy with and I think I am at a stage in my life where frankly, I don't give a toss. Go Faye Go Faye!
I also purchased a new skirt and some tops and Jaime and I are about to pop out to Xanadu on another spree.