My friend, Mario, sent me this in an email today and I have to say YES!!!!! Today I felt exactly like that in my evening class. I wanted to grab an AK47 and blow the head off my student. Well, perhaps nothing so barbaric, but I did feel like smacking him around the chops a few times with a wet kipper. There is just no getting through to some people! I despair. But I keep it all in, no sign on my face of the impatience and incredulence growing within me. Some of the teachers were chatting today about how sometimes it's necessary to be a little two-faced as a teacher. You look at your students and smile and nod even though really you are trying so hard to stifle a laugh or control your temper. I have a student on a morning who thinks that he has 'found the light' and is following the path set out by Jesus. I don't mean any offence but I can't take any more! Jesus all bloody day. The conditionals = Jesus. Crime = Jesus. For example, "If you could have been anyone from history, who do you wish you could have been? " "Erm... a diciple of Jesus" Enough already!!!!! If I have to listen any longer to him spouting on about God being the only one with the right to give or take life I am going to throw myself out of the window ( and undoubtedly fall straight into hell!).
Anyway, that is enough ranting about my day and my students!
I guess I am a little on edge. I am ready for winter to begin as I am chuffing fed up of mosquitos! Also I am slightly anxious after reading an article about some Asian Tiger Mosquito that has been breeding in Cataluña and is threatening to break out through the rest of Spain. As if I didn't have enough on my plate avoiding the ordinary style, I now live in fear of the arrival of these disease spreading insects that apparently can even penetrate your clothes to get to the juicy blood beneath. I am done for! I will just turn into one big, red mosquito bite!
i have been feeling like that towards customers on a daily basis with the whining and moaning about the branch closing. They dont read the letters that have been sent out and then get angry when they find branch closed until 10 and after 4pm. Tommorrow is the first saturday we are not open so monday should be fun. Cant wait!!!!! Mum
i have been feeling like that towards customers on a daily basis with the whining and moaning about the branch closing. They dont read the letters that have been sent out and then get angry when they find branch closed until 10 and after 4pm. Tommorrow is the first saturday we are not open so monday should be fun. Cant wait!!!!! Mum
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