Sudoku hits Spain
It appears that Sudoku, the craze that has taken the UK by storm, has finally landed in the Iberian Peninsula. Only yesterday I saw a Spanish man doing one on the tube and just now there was an advert on TV promoting Sudoku on your mobile phone! It has taken it's time but it is finally here, I wonder if it will manage to take Spain by storm?

I am quickly filling up the Sudoku book that my brother bought me for my birthday. Perhaps they will bring a new book out with this huge Sudoku, a new challenge for when I have exhausted all the Fiendish puzzles on my way to work.

I am quickly filling up the Sudoku book that my brother bought me for my birthday. Perhaps they will bring a new book out with this huge Sudoku, a new challenge for when I have exhausted all the Fiendish puzzles on my way to work.
Faye, you started me off and now I'm hooked! It's taking over the world - there are now 3 puzzles a day appearing in the daily paper here ( if you're interested!)
Bought the Independent last Saturday at Heathrow and was very pleased to find a HUGE alpha-numeric Sudoku that I couldn't even finish during a 16 hour flight! Better than fiendish!!!
If you go on the Daily Mail site they have something called a Siamese Sudoku and a Jigsaw Sudoku. Looks complicated!
Andrew here again, MA told me to leave these anon. remarks! Those bloody sudoku things. What the? How does one do them? I look at them and just think, hmmm. Give me quiz questions anyday... not that I was much good at them.. How's you dear!?!
Left the Newcastle on Friday. Exactly 3 years to the date I started. New job monday. Scared stupid. Better go to bed. Tony will be snoring without me. Be good!
Good luck in the new job sweetie! Sounds like you left a sinking ship! Mutha Hubbard knows I love to get messages! Glad she has got you trained.
Caught my student printing a Sudoku when I went in for class on Monday morning. He looked sheepish and he's the general manager! It really has hit everywhere.
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