Blast from the past

You know you are getting older if you can remember a time when you wore some cheap tacky perfume like Exclamation or, like all the other teenagers you went to school with, you doused yourself in Body Shop Dewberry or White Musk!
Do you remember when you were in your teens and you just had to own a pair of Reebok Classic Leather trainers, a Sweatershop jumper, Kickers shoes for school and a Naf Co 54 coat? Doesn't it just make you cringe?
I guess the above fashion horrors are the downside to being an eighties child but hey there were some good things too. Quality Saturday tea-time viewing meant sitting on the lounge carpet with your dad watching the A-team and Nightrider. And a bit later came Baywatch and your dad suggesting that you swapped your mother for one of the big-breasted, red swimming costume clad babes on the TV.
In the 80's we had none of these Hi-tech video games. I remember my cousin bringing his Spectrum round to our house and us having to sit there for hours waiting for the bugger to load only to find that we hadn't cued the tape right! And the bloody noise it made, waaaa woooo wiiiii rrrrrr!
I could go on and on, it's so much fun! If you are a child of the eighties and you fancy reminiscing a little more, check this out. Go on, I double dare you!
Just barely a child of the 80s though! ;-)
Hey, I love White Musk!
Slough socks, ouch!
fatbpi: What you get when you eat too much peanut butter and jelly.
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